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Residence permit by repatriation

Obtaining residence permit  in Russia by repatriation.

Repatriation is a new process in our legislation launched in January 2025, with the purpose of returning compatriots from abroad. The Repatriate program gives an opportunity to get a residence permit and resettle those whose relatives lived on the territory of the RSFSR or the Russian Empire, for those who once left and renounced Russian citizenship.  This basis for obtaining residence permit and citizenship is especially suitable for ethnic descendants of those who once left Russia and lost their citizenship. Even if a foreign citizen does not speak Russian, but is able to prove that one of his relatives was born or lived on the territory of Russia, the RSFSR or the Russian Empire, he can obtain the status of Repatriate, then a residence permit and Russian citizenship.

This migration procedure simplifies the timing of citizenship. According to the new rules of 2025, the applicant must prove that his relatives lived in the RSFSR or the Russian Empire. Proving this, a foreign citizen in 3 months will receive a residence permit, and then in another 3 months Russian citizenship, in an accelerated and simplified procedure.

The price of obtaining a residence permit for repatriates.

Who is recognized as a repatriate?

The presence of relatives in the ascending line, in the past, who were citizens of the USSR and were born on the territory of the RSFSR.
The presence of relatives in the ascending line, former citizens of the USSR, who lived in the RSFSR.
Presence of close relatives who once renounced Russian citizenship
Presence of relatives in the ascending line who were citizens of the Russian Empire or were born on the territory of the Russian Empire.
The repatriate receives a residence permit (VNZh) in the Russian Federation in a preferential order, bypassing the procedure of obtaining a temporary residence permit (RVP).

Peculiarities of the residence permit (residence permit) obtained by repatriation.

After obtaining a residence permit in the Russian Federation, the repatriate can obtain Russian citizenship in a simplified manner
A residence permit in the Russian Federation on the basis of repatriation is issued indefinitely.
Additional information and other grounds for obtaining a residence permit in the Russian Federation


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