Residence permit annual notification, what is this?
Annual notification of residence permit in Russia is a process when foreigners show their annual income for previous year to Ministry of Internal Affairs. The process itself is very similar to notification of temporary residence permit.
The deadlines to submit notifications of residence permit in Russia.
A foreign citizen must annually notify the Ministry of Internal Affairs migration department during the 13th and 14th months of a calendar year, after receiving a residence permit.
Sanctions and penalties for late submission of residence permit report.
In the case of two consecutive unsubmitted notification, residence permit will be canceled.
Documents required for annual residence permit notification in Russia
The main document for the submission of annual residence permit notification is a proff of income, which shows a salary of a foreign citizen and taxes paid. This document calls 2NDFL, which shows annual income which should be not less than the official minimum living wage. If the foreigner is not employed he can provide bank statement, which should also include an amount that corresponds to the value of not less than the minimum subsistence level, multiplied by 12 months. All these data are recorded in the system, and at the time of submission documents for the renewal of residence permits or for submitting for citizenship of Russia, the inspector will see all data and previously passed annual reports.
Additional information for residence permit and notification of residence.
If the residence permit notification was't submitted at time?
If your residence permit notification was not submitted at time, do not rush to make quick decisions. Leave this question to professionals who will determine whether you had any other administrative fines or other violations. In any case, there is a way out of any situation, even if it is not easy.
Our lawyers will find a easiest way to get out of any difficult situation. You can contact the company "Vorota Goroda" call by phone +7 495 9723011 and make appointment.