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Residence permit for Highly Qualified Specialist (VKS)

Foreign citizens who came to Russia to work in a company that invited them and issued a work permit as a "highly qualified specialist" (VKS) and all accompanying VKS family members have the right on a preferential basis to obtain a residence permit in Russia, without obtaining the transitional status of RVP (temporary residence permit).


 Having a residence permit, a "highly qualified specialist" (VKS) has the right to apply for Russian citizenship. Since 2025 Highly qualified specialists do not have to renounce from his citizenship obtaining Russian citizenship. Resident permit VKS is valid just for the duration of the employment contract.

Validity of Residence Permit of Highly Qualified Specialist

A validity of residence permit of Highly Qualified Specialist (VKS) is equal of duration of work permit. In case of termination of the employment contract, the residence permit obtained on the basis of the VKS is also cancelled 30 days after the termination of the contract, or the foreign citizen has the opportunity to conclude a new employment contract, with a new employer, during this period.


Benefits of residence permit (VKS)

VKS residence permit status gives advantages only to the category of foreign citizens who subsequently intend to acquire Russian citizenship. The employer also gets some advantages, getting rid of the responsibility when his company has a "highly qualified specialist" VKS (high fines, the level of the minimum wage, etc.) Also, a great advantage of the residence permit obtained on the basis of VKS, is the ability to register all their relatives, even not close, and provide them with a residence permit status, which can then be changed to Russian citizenship.

If VKS wants to have a "full" (i.e. independent of the contract with the employer) residence permit in Russia, he should get a residence permit in the general order, those to undergo the procedure of receiving of RVP (temporary residence permits), and only after a year to apply for a residence permit.

* - the accompanying members of the Highly Qualified Specialist family are - spouse (a), children under 18 years old (including adopted children), parents (including foster children), grandchildren, grandparents.


Additional information and other grounds for obtaining a Highly Qualified Specialist residence permit

If you have any additional questions that are not answered on this page, you can get more information by phone
+7 495 9723011 or by e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. We also provide advice on all migration issues by appointment at our office.


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